Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Old Man in Puyo

He was about 70, slightly built but upright. His clothes were old and dirty, and he didn´t smell great. But he was deliberate, and had a peaceful bearing about him. Sheila and I thought him to be homeless, judging by the old sack he was carrying, along with an old book. His replies to our medical history-taking were only 1 or 2 words long. We thought him to be impoverished not only of income, but possibly of mind as well. It took longer than usual to deal with him. After about 20 minutes, I gathered his medications and was preparing him for discharge from the clinic. Just before turning to go, however, he asked in Spanish if we could pray. He then held our hands, and subsequently delivered one of the most eloquent (according to Sheila) 7 minute prayers that we had every heard. After closing with an amen, he embraced each of us with minute long bear hugs, and tearfully expressed his gratitude. As he departed, I was strongly reminded of the passage in Matthew 25: "...inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto ME..." He left the two of us speechless.


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