Friday, June 22, 2012


Greetings and love to you all.

Sorry that Tim is much better about posting blogs than I am.

This has been a very different trip for me spiritually. Usually I have lots of quiet time and long times to be alone. God is teaching me that is not the reality of my life to have long periods of time. Take the moments despite distraction, emphasis on prayer, listening. It has been difficult to have alone time due to busy schedule, bonding with 28 US team members, five to seven German Impact mission team members assisting, Ecuador ministers and missionaries.

We have had many clinic days, many blessings to give and receive, many smiles. As Tim said, we have seen more than 400 people in three days at Rio Verde. Some still travel a day's journey to see us. (One newlywed couple came from near Colombian border)

Yesterday was very different (team calls it twilight day). Our truck was late coming to get equipment in Lita. We were stopped at police checkpoint and passports checked (luckily they did not ask regarding Germans and only Americans). How do you explain Germans, Americans, and Ecuadorians on bus as team working for Christ?

We were very late getting to Gualsaqui -clinic site. We set up and saw one to two patients each, then the health dept "authority" came to close us down because we did not have letter from president of community. Pastor, teachers, church, and most of community were glad to have us. Tim, Shelia (team leader), and I went to the pastor's home to talk while the sports team played with kids. The pastor gave us qui and was very remorseful that people would not be served. The president was not hurting church or pastor, but the people. The pastor wept (Quechua men do not cry). I am anxious to hear what happens with the people and what God is going to do in that community since He closed that door.

Time to begin another day. Love you all!
Thanking Him from Ecuador,

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