Monday, June 18, 2012

The very sick boy

"The royal official said to Him, 'Sir, come down before my child dies.' Jesus said to him, 'Go, your son lives.'"
John 4:49-50

It was a busy Monday morning in Rio Verde. The team had made the scenic and adventurous trip from our quarters in Lita to the little Andean village where we had held clinics twice before. Many Awa people had gathered in anticipation of our annual visit. Once the children were dismissed from school, the dental, medical, pharmacy, and pediatric tunits quickly set up for the day ahead.

The waiting lines at Rio Verde are usually long. Today was no different. One Awa mother stood in line with her thirteen children. The older nurse performing intake duties noted that one of the children - a seven year old boy- was breathing rapidly as his mother patiently carried him along. The nurse sent the whole family to the head of the line, where they were seen by two nurses seeing patients between my area and Dr. Kim's area. They noted that the boy's breathing was very labored, and called out my name, insisting that I see the boy immediately. Upon reaching the boy, it was clear that the boy was seriously ill. He did not respond to my voice, had a fever of 103, respiratory rate of 40, heart rate of 55, and oxygen saturation of 79%. He was critically ill, and had bilateral pneumonia with impending respiratory failure. He could stop breathing at any moment. Our team, however, took quick action, administering two injections of antibiotics and starting an IV line for fluids. The missionary advised the boy's mother that he desperately needed more advanced care at the hospital. She consented. The boy was transported to Lita, accompanied by one of our nurses. From Lita, he was transported by ambulance to the ICU in Ibarra. At last word, he is still alive.

It should be noted that while he was at our clinic many people were praying for Ben. They are doing so even now. Ben's mother later told us that he had stopped breathing for an hour the day before we saw him. Everyone in attendance knew that it was only the hand of God that sustained Ben's life. Please pray for him as you read this.

With hope,


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