Friday, June 15, 2012


"The righteous cry, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all troubles. The Lord is near to the broken hearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Psalm 34:17-18

She was a widow, 81 years of age. The people of Galilee church in Otavalo had opened their doors to the people of the surrounding community to gain access to free medical and dental care at the clinic our team was providing. Her chief complaint was dizziness. She had been through some surgical procedures over several years time, but was healthy for her age. As Shelia conversed with her in Spanish, a significant discussion began developing. Hannah, a college student on our team, began watching Shelia's face. The elderly woman described how she lived alone, and was very fearful of her future. I was praying, when the Holy Spirit said we should pray for her.

At that moment a baby in the adjoining room began to cry. So too did our patient. She began to pour out her heart in sorrow. Shelia began to cry, as did Hannah and I. We prayed with her, asking God for protection for her, and for deliverance from fear. We encouraged her to cast her anxiety upon the Lord, and to begin attending activities at the church. She welcomed the idea, and made plans to return.

Michael Card writes in a song entitled "Distressing Disguise" that, when a brother or sister reaches out to another in need, they both disappear and it is only Jesus we see. In a little church far away in the Andes Mountains today, that is exactly what I saw. God saved me too.

Eternally grateful,

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