Friday, June 15, 2012

End of Day One in Ecuador

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Our team landed in Quito last night two hours later than expected due to a problem with the plane's altimeter. Turned out everything checked out okay. We arrived safely, and went through customs with no snags (thanks for your prayers). We had a good night's rest at HCJB, and had a delicious breakfast there this morning. Our bigger than usual team (we have 26 at present) has worked well together today. We held a clinic for the Galilee church body here in Otavalo this pm, and the Cross Extreme sports team got started as well. We were assisted by eight German students with Liebenzell Ministries, who served as our translators. They did a great job!

Kim and I saw a variety of cases as usual. I spent 45 minutes treating a young man for nosebleed, and also saw a five month old with what probably is cerebral palsy. I also saw a lady with a tumor of her parotid gland, and another lady with Sjogren's syndrome. Our team dentist, Randy Baker from Olive Hill, used the new portable dental chair that River of Life helped to acquire. It worked great once one of our team hooked it up to a new car battery!

I have been reading an impactful book by Brennan Manning lately, entitled "All Is Grace". I will likely share from that this week.

Love to you all,
Tim Scott ( beneath the giant ivy at Dona Esther hostel in Otavalo)

1 comment:

Tony Jones said...

Great to hear you have arrived safely! Praying for God to use you as the salt of the earth so it will lead others to the Living Water!

In Christ,

Tony Jones