Monday, June 24, 2013

Reflections - Last day

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:58

Dear friends and family in Christ,

Today is our last day in Ecuador this year. We are resting, and packing up, planning to begin our journey home very early on Tuesday. We had a fantastic day yesterday, visiting a few of God's amazing creations here in Pinchincha province in northern Ecuador.

Each year, as we prepare to leave, I ask the question: What lasting results came of our time and efforts here? The answers to that question are sometimes difficult to express, but one eternal result is the multitude of relationships that were either nurtured or started. Our relationships with people like Wilman and Clemencia, Kevin and Kathy Bruce, German and Luz, the members of Galilea church, Paulina and Milton in Rio Verde, pastor Roberto at Gualsaqui, and the students serving on the Liebenzell Impact team have eternal consequences. They are part of that great cloud of witnesses that the writer of Hebrews mentions in chapter 12. These people are dear to us, and we love them very much.

There, of course, are also the people we serve each year, whether in the clinics, or with the children in schools and on playgrounds. As God brings help, healing, and encouragement through us to them, it is our prayer that they will come to know God as they see and experience Jesus in us. Indeed, pastor Roberto told us this morning that four families we served during the week came to his church for the first time this Sunday.

Then, too, there is our team itself. God does great work in the lives of each team member each year. We were privileged to have two members on the team this year from Columbia -- Alvaro, whom we have known for many years, and his friend Jacob. Both of them work as counselors and social workers in Columbia, teaching children the skills of conflict resolution and how to live at peace. Jacob's spiritual walk has been less developed, and he was interested in growing. His life was strongly impacted as he worked and worshipped with the team each day. He shared on his last night with us that he felt he understood what it meant to live in Christ for the first time, and he plans on finding a Christian fellowship in Columbia where he can continue that walk.

I look forward to returning home, and continuing my walk with each of you.

Amazed by Him,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have a safe trip back home. Enjoyed your posts. I would love to one day be able to re-visit Ecuador. My last visit was so rewarding