Thursday, June 20, 2013


And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed. 
2 Corinthians 9:8

Some days are hectic for the team. We spend months planning and gathering supplies, but when we arrive in Ecuador, we hit the ground running. We unload and carry all twenty trunks of supplies many times. To the supplies brought, we add the inventory stored from last year. We sort and resort, providing care for friends and family as we go along. In the midst of this frenetic activity, various supplies get misplaced, lost or forgotten. Early on during this trip, we did not have enough (or any) urine test strips, ACE bandages, lidocaine, alcohol pads, and syringes with needles. As each need became emergent, however, we prayed for provision, and within hours (sometimes minutes) we would come upon the needed item, seemingly out of nowhere. With each discovery, we gave God the credit more and more readily.

This was also true for the needs of the people we served. Last year, the team was unable to hold a clinic at the school at Gualsaqui because the director of the local health department refused to grant permission. This year we held the clinic at the church, and there was no problem. Pastor Roberto greeted us with open arms, and many sick people were treated on Thursday. When we saw Roberto and asked about his needs, he advised that he had been unable to pay his son's tuition, and he was in jeopardy of losing credits earned. By God's providence, however, we were able to pass along money given by a church member at Tatesbrook for just such a purpose. Roberto received the funds with tears, gratitude, and a hug.

Likewise, at Lita, we learned that both missionary families (the Bruces and the Shaubs) had badly worn tires on their two vehicles. Through the generosity of a church member at Lifesong Church in Russell, KY, the need was fulfilled. Kathy, Kevin, Chrissie and Andy were very grateful.

In all these matters, we prayed aloud, giving God the praise and the glory. The team was thrilled to be an instrument of God's work. But there is more....

With a grateful heart,

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