Tuesday, June 22, 2010


He was one of the Waorani people from the jungle but currently a worker at the new church in Puyo. (He was the photographer with my camera while I was seeing patients) He has a huge heart and compassion for people. In their culture, it is very difficult to be a believer. There is persecution and harassment from community and family members. Unfortunately, as believers, God does not promise protection but only relationship and eternity.

We returned after clinic from dinner and left him at the church where he is living. We found out the following morning that when he went outside to take out the trash from clinic, he was beat up by a drunk and went to the hospital. Mepo will have to answer questions and take ridicule due to us coming and the fight that ensued because he was doing good. The Waorani culture will kill you with a spear if necessary. However, it is very unusual for the emotion of anger in their culture. Getting hit or in a fist fight is one of the ultimate insults. Mepo did not want to tell us goodbye because he was embarrassed about getting beat up. Please pray for Mepo and the Waorani believers.

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