Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Grandson

Many of you have heard of Mincaye. He was one of the Waoroni who speared and killed Nate Saint and the four other missionaries in 1956 in Ecuador. Later, he heard the gospel and believed unto Christ. His life changed, and he now serves as a missionary alongside Steve Saint (Nate's son).

His grandson (also named Mincaye) visited us in clinic while we at Puyo working with the Waoroni at their church in a home there. He was a joyful man in his thirties, and had recently strained his back. As we worked with him, it was very evident that he was a close friend and co-worker of Chet Williams, the missionary with Youth World here in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Chet later told us that young Mincaye and his family had experienced great trauma these past twelve months, including the loss of his 18 month old daughter who had fallen into the Pastaza river and drowned a few months before. In addition, a young Wao woman had committed suicide in his home, his aunt had died of pneumonia, his uncle had lost an eye due to snakebite, and his wife had been gravely ill late last year (but did recover).

Despite these tragedies, though, his faith, joy and determination to share the gospel with his people have remained strong. His life is a strong reminder to us all of the faith and grace that enables us to live above the circumstances of our lives.

His smile was contagious.


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