Monday, June 28, 2010

Finishing the last regular clinic in Pijal

Dear Ones:

The team has finished their days of regular clinic as of today. We saw about 120 people in the Quichua community of Pijal. Kim saw many interesting cases, while I saw a lot of hyperactive kids. One interesting case involved a seven year old girl who would awaken several nights a month with hallucinations. Her gaze would be fixed on something, and she could not be redirected by her family. She would have no recall for the events. In the end, we decided she was experiencing absence (petit mal) seizures, but when you are here you also wonder about demon possession.

The team is tired, but contented. We believe that God has directed each of our steps and the events of each day. The people have been encouraged, and in many cases helped. We will be returning to Quito tomorrow, after seeing the local pastors and their families in the clinic at the Galilee church here in Otavalo tomorrow. We will be flying out of Quito early Wednesday morning, finally landing in the Cincinnati airport (after going through Miami and Chicago) at about 7:30 pm on Wednesday night.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers, support and encouragement. Linda`s foot has held up very well, and she attributes that to your faithfulness and God`s power. We look forward to seeing each of you in the near future.

I will close today with some more stories from the past week (to be posted in the email that follows this one).

In Awe of His Orchestration and Grace,

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