Thursday, June 22, 2006

Day 9 - Letter from Kim

Hello again to everyone!

The last two nights were in Lita. The days were clinics in Rio Verde (2 days) and Cotacachi (2 days). We have been very busy with long clinic days the past 2 days. The 2 days, 3 physicians saw 369 patients. 1 or 2 complaints and treatment for parasites and that is about it. There were lots of helpers or we could not have done it. The Awa tribe is in Ecuador and Columbia. Several in the community we were working had moved from Columbia. The people are quiet and stoic. They do not have much to say. We worked with 2 missionary families and 2 other missionary men.

The 2 families live on the mountain (Bruce and Williams). They walk 1 hr to get to their house from the end of the road. Keep them in your prayers. Another missionary family was in Lita where we spent the last 2 nights.

Tuesday night we watched "End of the Spear" with the 5 Ecuador missionaries and another family from Lita that is working with the people there. Talk about an emotional experience!! Lots or tears and reality probably a little too close for comfort. Definitely makes you realize the sacrifice they make and a devotion to the people they are called to serve. (If you have not seen it, you should rent it and see what I mean.) All of the missionaries and "MKs" (missionary kids) are fantastic people with a heart for God and a calling and devotion to the people they serve.

The chief complaint seen in clinic was back/arm pain and abdominal pain ("vichos") and rash/bug bites ("hungos"). No big surprise since the water is contaminated. I and none of the team has been sick yet from GI stuff, but we are very careful to drink bottled and filtered water. The ones that c/o pain are all clearing land with Machetes and chain saws. The crops are on the side of mountains, and obviously were all planted by hand. It amazes me no one has fallen down the mountain since it is so steep.

The loads some carry on their backs probably double their weight. The most prescribed drugs in Ecuador the past week: mebendazole, Tylenol or ibuprofen, clotrimazole or Lotrisone.
God continues to open my eyes. The question I have coming home is what is the most that He wants me to take home. I don't have the final answer on that yet. Keep us and especially the missionaries in your prayers. I am ready to come home. The plane still does not leave for 3 days, so God still has more people for me to see and more to teach me: You are the path; Seek my face; Rest in my presence.

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