Friday, June 16, 2006

Day 3 - Letter from Kim

Hello from Otavalo, Ecuador.

Most of you who are receiving this have already been praying for us here in Ecuador. I am with a team of 8 on a medical mission trip. I will give you a little background on why I am here because it actually started several months ago in march. Tim Scott asked me to go with the mission team. I prayed alot about going. I had several fears including being of no use as a doctor in a place were there was more parasites than diabetes or high blood pressure (what I see on a usual basis) and financial issues. Our tax return would cover the $1400 cost to make the trip. However, when out accountant called re. estimated tax return, he also gave good news re. donation from the Dear Santa Foundation. After this confirmation re. going, I had a peace about it (even though many other people did not). Matthew 7:8-11 talks about good gifts that the Father gives. God meets our needs and more than we expect.

As usual I was trying to get too much work done at the office on the morning before I was supposed to leave. Therefore, I did not get to spend much time with Matt on the am that I left. It was probably the thing that made me the saddest to leave. I miss him alot. This will be the longest we have been apart since we have been married. He is so good to me to put up with all that I do. Anyway, I was late to the airport to meet the team (even though I was still 1 hr and 50 min before the plane left). I know that suprises no one that I was late. I had a terrible sinking feeling when I was leaving.

Tears came to my eyes in front of all these people I barely knew. They were very nice and supportive. The only other time I felt that way was when I left NM to go to KY when my residency started. It is the fear of the unknown and leaving Matt on both occasions. I was better after getting on the plane. I am growing in confidence and everything will be ok. Ps 37:23-24: The steps of a man are established by the Lord...Because the Lord is the One who holds his hand.

The people here (the team and natives) are all very nice. 6 of 8 team members have been here before and Paul and I are new. They say they like the new perspective but I appreciate their experience. When we arrived here, it was amazing that within 1-2 hr several of the old contacts from when they had been her before came from no where. We would be walking down the streets and people came out giving Sheila and Phil hugs. Gossip and news travels fast here too. The internet cafe is closing so I have to go.

Interesting things to learn:
- Lexington is further west than Quito.
- No TP to be flushed - it stops up the commode.
- God continues to give more than I expect.
- 2 physicians saw 120 people today.


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