Thursday, June 15, 2006

Day 2 - Letter from Tim

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is a beautiful morning here in Quito. I am sitting in an internet cafe, where most of the people are watching the the national soccer team of Ecuador compete against Costa Rica in the World Cup. Everyone´s attention is glued to the set -- like Kentucky basketball in the NCAA tourney. We had a good breakfast and a good night´s sleep. We hope to go to HCJB today -- the Christian hospital here in Quito created years ago in honor of the missionaries that were killed here in the fifties.

Please know that your prayers for our team were powerful. We passed through customs last night at midnight like a hot knife through butter. Absolutely the smoothest plane to hotel transition ever. We also have been blessed with a team full of people with servant hearts, and full of expectation as God works in our midst.

Later today we will travel to our home base in Otavalo, to the north. The small hotel there -- Dona Esther -- is located next to the ancient Catholic cathedral in that city. We are awakened by the chimes of the bells each morning. We will have our first devotional for the team tonight -- prayer that our hearts will be unburdened, and that they will be opened fully unto the filling of the Holy Spirit. Pray that we will be one with the Father, and that we will be fit vessels for the working of His power.

We thank our Father for you and your faithfulness.

In His hands,
Tim and Kim

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