Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Day 1 - Letter from Tim

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The day is just getting started, but already I have heard from one of the team members. They have obtained prenatal vitamins, and ask if they are needed. I advise that we had received word from the missionaries just the day before that one of their helpers is pregnant and in need of prenatal vitamins. We have a year supply.

And so it is that we begin a journey of faith -- ready to learn of needs, and ready to hear and see what our Lord has in mind to supply that need, or to teach us.

Our team leaves Cincinnati at 3PM this afternoon, and arrives in Houston at about 4PM CDST. We then depart from Houston at 5:30PM and arrive in Quito at about 11PM CDST (midnight here in Kentucky). Please be in prayer that we will be able to travel safely, and that all of the supplies for the people we will be serving makes it through customs and security at the airport in Quito.

I am deeply impressed by all of the people that have pledged their prayers -- CAT, Oakland Avenue in Catlettsburg,and the River, as well as our various places of work. I believe that God wants to show us what He can do through His people, walking in faith.
Just as it has been written of old that "...about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the prisoners were listening to them...", so we too will be doing so tonight. Please remember us in your prayers.

Awed by His grace,

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