Friday, June 23, 2006

Day 10 - Kim's Last Letter from Ecuador

This is probably my last letter from Ecuador. Today was our last clinic day.

We were in a village called Cotacachi. It is sortof a suburb of Otavalo. I found it quite interesting the difference in complaints compared to the Awa people in Rio Verde. The Awa were very private and did not have much to say. That is how we were able to see so many of them.

Today there were a few Quechua but most were people from town. They had a longer list of complaints and were more likely to share. Some of the dress imitated that from the USA re. jeans, shirts, etc. The complaints today were very different than the rest of the week. Some of the complaints today included vericose veins, adhesive capsulitis, temper tandrums, plantar fasciitis, ovarian cysts (stuff we see in the states often).

As people have moved to jobs that are not working the land, their weight increased as well with jobs like bus driver, radio broadcaster, etc. The people were still very appreciative for our help and medicines. I saw my first person that had been diagnosed with high cholesterol here in Ecuador today. We saw more today with high blood pressure. Interesting picture of problems that are progressive with modernization.

Tomorrow is a market day which we will do in the morning and then travel to Otavo tomorrow afternoon. We have to be at the airport around 4 am on Sunday am. I am glad to come home. I have really enjoyed my time here but am ready to see friends and family!

See you soon! Hasta luego!

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