Friday, June 21, 2019

Ecuador 2019 - Day 1

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. 
John 12:24

Dear Family and Friends,

Thursday was a long day of travel from northern Kentucky to Miami to Quito to Otavalo in Ecuador. The travel was well planned, with plenty of opportunity for the eighteen team members to get to know more about each other along the way. We were well fed and well cared for at each stop. On the other hand, we did lose six pieces of luggage (later discovered in Cincinnati, in Miami and in Philadelphia ). The team is learning about being flexible and patient.

During this day of travel, the team read about the life of Paulino - the leader of the Awa church in Rio Verde. He had shared with the team in years he was one of the first Awa to come to know Jesus as Lord, and how the missionaries had helped to disciple him. Paulino was respected throughout the Awa community as an honest man of his word, respected by all. Tragically, he died just three weeks ago of a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 51. His death has brought much sorrow to the Awa church and community.

Kevin and Kathy Bruce have written of Paulino’s life on their blog with Liebenzel ministries. Over 200 Awa attended his funeral. For many it was the first time they had heard the gospel. People who knew Paulino but not Jesus are now asking the Bruces questions about Jesus. A few, including Paulino’s family, are expressing interest in making declarations of faith in Jesus. His life continues to bear fruit, all the more so in death, as stated in John 12:24.

Pray for the continued power of Christ in the lives touched by Paulino’s life ... including ours.

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