Saturday, June 22, 2019

Ecuador 2019 - Day 2 - Intag Cloud Forest

While he was saying this, a cloud formed and began to overshadow them; and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!” 
Luke 9:34-35

Intag Cloud Forest
On our first Friday the team traveled by bus to the small town of Abuelo, located in the territory of the Intag cloud forest. Intag is a unique ecologic preserve in the mountains of the nation. It is constantly covered by a thick cloud, providing moisture for a rich undergrowth of trees and flowers. The roads leading to the towns within are narrow and filled with hairpin turns. Travel can be challenging, especially when going by bus. Fortunately, God blessed us with an excellent driver!

We had a productive time upon arriving at Abuelo. We met the new SBC missionaries that moved to this region one year ago...David and Carrie Wells. They have been working with the pastor and wife from Otavalo that we know so well ...Wilman and Clemencia. A few small churches have been started there. As the team quickly organized into a medical and vision clinic, as well as a VBS team, it became evident that the community was excited to have us there.

We also heard more from Kevin and Kathy Bruce about the loss of Paulino, and its impact on the Awa church and the community at large. Clearly his death had caused much reflection on the part of everyone. Both in the sorrow of the Bruce’s as well as in the enthusiasm of the Wells’ , it became clear that God was actively growing and developing His kingdom. These thoughts and experiences have taken hold of the whole team.

Please pray that each member of the team receives God’s Word on their lives. And pray that the Quechua and the Awa that we meet each day will receive the Word with open minds and receptive hearts.

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