Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Day 6 - Rio Verde Medio and the joyful man

“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Matthew 13:44

For fifteen years or more the team has worked with the Awa people living in the area on both sides of the Rio Verde in the northwestern region of Imbabura province. We have been to Rio Verde Alta many times, but never to the village of Rio Verde Medio. It takes about a two hour truck drive to get there, but we had heard how excited the community was that we were coming to serve, and so it was we did go there on Tuesday. We received a big welcome as the three trucks arrived with our supplies. There was a new clinic building there, and the team quickly set up in an ideal setting. The natural beauty surrounding the clinic was striking.

One of the team members this year was Shelia and Philip Duncan’s grandson Charlie. Charlie is about ten years old, and literally brims over with ideas on how we should do things. He had many basic questions about everything, and typically caught on fast. He was a very good assistant and “go-fer”.

One memorable case this day was the older man who had run out of a medication that had been very helpful for the treatment of a chronic disease. It just so happened that I had received a donation of half a year supply of that same medication from the family of a man for whom I had provided medical care for many years prior to his death earlier in the month. The man was over-joyed to receive the donation. He went on to share with us a passage from the New Testament he had read from the book of John. He asked us to pray with him for the community as well as for himself. It was with great joy that we parted. Once again, the team received the heartfelt thanks of the community’s president. He expressed his hope that we would come to visit again. The drive home that evening was rocky and bumpy, but the peace felt by the team was unshakeable.

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