Friday, June 13, 2008

Dr. Tim arrives safely in Ecuador

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at Tatesbrook and the River,

Our team of 12 arrived at N.Ky airport at 5am on the morning of 6/12. We were immediately surprised to discover that none of our medical supplies could be transported to Ecuador because of a box embargo that had recently been instituted for that country. Consequently, we sent out a delegation to purchase duffels and suitcases, early that Thursday morning. God was at work. With about twenty minutes of time left before the doors to the plane would be closed, our delegation had returned with about twenty new bags. Over the next fifteen minutes, against impossible odds, we were Holy Spirit enabled to repack all of the mission supplies that had originally taken two months to pack. We sped breathlessly through customs and took our seats with no time to spare.

Our flight to and from Miami was without event, and our flight to Quito went smoothly as well. The team - now 13 in number - made its way through immigration and customs smoothly, once again. There was a question about one item not being listed on our letter of authorization, but someone from the Customs office suddenly appeared (mysteriously so) and advised the questioning official that we were "okay". We made our way safely to the hotel in Quito for our overnight stay. I should note that my number on the team is 13, and I realized only later on Friday that today is the 13th. My stay overnight at the hotel was in room 13.

My impression at this point is that God will take care of all things. He loves us with fearless passion, and intends to provide for all of our needs. But He wants us to know this, and must teach us this lesson recurringly, with various means. I also am impressed that He wants us to be involved in His doing great things through us. Today at the clinic at Punyaro (near the craft town of Otavalo) I met a man who had been a Christian for fifteen days. He was excited about his salvation and relationship with Jesus. He was telling everyone, and his smile was infectious. We spoke different languages, but we were able to communicate well through Christ living in us. I was impressed. Hopefully, his physical needs were well addressed as well.

Tomorrow and Sunday have been set aside for rest and relaxation, as well as shopping at the market on Saturday, and worshipping at Galilea Church on Sunday. I look forward to seeing what God has to say and teach on each day. Something odd did occur to me this afternoon. The old veteran is rooming with two young men this year. When you add their ages together, and then add ten more years, you have my present age. I have gotten old... a difficult thing to admit. Nevertheless, by God's standards, I am still quite young, and beloved in His sight.

Signing off for now. Faithfully,
Dr. Tim

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