Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tim and Linda: Chapter Two

Dear family and friends,

Greetings from Ecuador! Linda and I continue our journey through this beautiful and diverse land. The mountains, sunrises and sunsets, lakes and vegetation have been more glorious than ever.

The past two days have been a welcome time of rest and relaxation. We went to the market here in Otavalo yesterday, and Linda was in her element, speaking and shopping in Spanish. She obtained several surprises for several of you. We have had very good times of evening devotion -- the team is excellent, and loves to tell stories. All have appreciated the blessing of hot water at Dona Esther, our hotel here in Otavalo. Food has been unusually good as well. We attended worship this morning at Galilea Baptist Church. Linda and I were impressed that services there are in many ways similar to those at Tatesbrook. The sermon (which I heard second handedly through Linda) was excellent. Wilmon, the pastor and our friend, spoke of Jesus´ call to each of us to come to Him, to take up His yoke, and to learn from Him. The youth group sang a hymn to us in English (very impressive). We enjoyed a pantomimed skit very much.

This afternoon the team enjoyed a picnic at Lake Cuicocha. This is a spectacular lake that rests within a volcanic crater. Wonderful views...good food. Had a great time. Rode there and back in the beds of two pickup trucks.

Tomorrow, we will be holding clinic at the Galilea Church. Please pray for pastor Wilmon´s right ankle. It is still painful despite surgical repair of a fracture sustained eight months ago. We will be attending to that, as well as the needs of the church and the local community. On Tuesday, we will be holding our fourth clinic at the village of Gualsaqui -- a poorer community that is near Otavalo. After that, we travel to Lita where we will be serving the Awa on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Pray that we will stay open to God´s use of our love and service there.

We love each of you, and look forward to sharing some of these stories with you in the coming weeks.

In Awe of His Light,
Tim and Linda

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