Friday, June 26, 2009

Tim and Linda: Chapter Three

Dear friends and family,

Linda and I have returned after our four day trek to Gualsaqui and Rio Verde. Had a great time. Will break it up into two parts, with a continuation to be given tomorrow.

The team travelled to Gualsaqui on Tuesday. This is a rural village up in the mountains near Otavalo. The people were very gracious and hospitable. They provided the team with lunch, despite their meager means. Saw the pastor there -- he related that he had had three ribs fractured a few years ago because of his commitment as a Christian. A 64 year old lady limped in, and asked for medication to help her with her hip pain. We learned that she had fallen and broken her hip 15 years earlier, and that her employer had insisted that she continue working, and not seek medical attention. Her hip fracture healed, but in an abnormal way, resulting in chronic pain and a limp. She continues to wash clothing four days a week, in order to earn enough ($5 a week) to keep food on the table. We were all humbled by our experiences in this place, but left with a deep joy knowing that these people fully trusted Jesus.

We travelled on to Lita on Tuesday night. This is always the great adventure of each year. The scenery is magnificent. We got settled in at the Awa Center, ate a quick supper, and retired early after devotion. Got an early start on Wednesday. We travelled the muddy road to Rio Verde, where about 200 Awa met us. It was a busy day, with many sick children and adults. Linda measured the vision of every patient, and played a key role in the overall care of people because of her good knowledge of Spanish. She was a real trooper. The medical and pediatric teams were challenged by the cramped quarters in the barn, and later were able to move to a tent. Much better ventilation and light there. The nurses also branched out, and started seeing patients too. Saw 200 on Wednesday, and again on Thursday. Good stories to follow.

Gotta go!
Love, Tim and Linda

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