Monday, June 26, 2023

Day 5: Palmira

When evening came, after the sun had set, they began bringing to Him all who were ill and those who were demon-possessed. And the whole city had gathered at the door. 
Mark 1:32-33

Palmira is an Awa community that used to be small, but seems to have grown greatly in the last four years, when our team last visited. This year we took care of 250 people there, and many people had to be turned away at the end of the day. This once quiet, unexpressive people were very eager to see us. Our eight unit team, composed of vision care, dental care, physical therapy, pharmacy, and four primary medical units, was kept busy all day. And it took the team two hours to travel to this remote location, and two more hours to travel back to Lita. We were exhausted at days end, but it was a good tired. 

Things that Dr. Kim and I saw were routine, including fungal dermatitis, URI’s (tests for Covid were all negative), UTI’s, muscle strains, low back pain (called espalda, affecting every adult), earwax impactions, several cases of pediatric pneumonia, roundworm infections, and eye irritation from wind and sun. Kim and I also served as consultants for the nurse practitioner (Dana Benedict) and nurse (Leah Duncan). Each unit has a translator, which of course are essential to providing good care. At the end of the day the team would sing songs of praise to God, and then tell stories of how He revealed himself through the events and people of that day. As usual, both Ecuadorians as well as Kentuckians worked together in preparing and serving our meals. 

It was a big day, full of blessing. The sunset was spectacular. We sang and prayed with whole hearts. 

Sincerely from the western woods of Awaland, 

Dr. Tim and Dr. Kim

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