Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lita Bound

Dear brothers and sisters:
Peace and grace be to you. Our team is preparing to journey to Lita, in the land of the Awa. We eagerly anticipate this each year, and so we do now. We will be out of touch with the world (including you) for the most part through Wednesday. The trip from here to there is beautiful, and look forward to a peaceful bus ride. We had a restful day yesterday, and had a wonderful time of worship at Galilea Baptist church this morning here in Otavalo. I also enjoyed a short ride by horseback at the hotel, but unfortunately missed my dismount and strained my left knee. I am hopeful that the knee will heal quickly. Our team has been talking about the necessity of depending on God moment by moment as we walk through these days. We pray that his power would be manifest both for the healing of those to whom we ministry and for His glory. Pray for the missionaries that we will be working alongside (the Bruces and the Schaubs). We have a good team (older and more male than usual). We look forward to seeing what God has in store for us over these next three and a half days.

Hobbled but Hope-full somewhere in the Andes,

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